
Thursday, December 29, 2011

on Investing for Retirement

As I continue to read The Big Short by Michael Lewis it is becoming more and more evident to me that a lot of what happens in the investment world is either fucking someone over or using them to take exorbitant fees. So one should not be surprised that I agree with Matt Yglesias that investing should not be for normal people. It's complicated, people who spend their whole life in finance still struggle to be good at it so why do we think the average Joe can manage it on top of everything else in life?

Putting money aside for retirement should be easy, not detrimental to your retirement itself.

1 comment:

  1. Add this to things we should have been taught as a requirement for Highschool graduation.

    We should have a 20-something discussion group about Debt, credit cards, retirement, savings, etc... Of course probably at a Pub.
