For years the Green Line Extension Project has been bandied about but has yet to be fully funded. For situations such as this in comes a mechanism like SPLOST, which if localized down to a municipality or a series of municipalities, could make community specific transportation projects easier to fund, and funded by those who would benefit the most. It would properly puts the cost of living in a high density urban environment on the people who live near and benefit from it. Now as a resident of Somerville I would have no problem being assessed an extra 1% on my purchases made within Somerville in order to pay for the project. I'm sure many people in Somerville, Cambridge & Medford (not to mention other North Shore towns and I-93 Commuters) would feel the same way.
I do not know the specifics of how or if you could pass something of this nature in Massachusetts but I think localized tax vehicles are a serious option in attempting to rectify the growing infrastructure spending deficit in this country.
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