With the "introduction" of Rick Perry into the GOP race for the Presidency has come the debate pertaining to his "ideas". One of his so called "ideas" is that the 10th Amendment is supreme and lays most of the federal government unconstitutional. Now besides the fact that the 10th Amendment is at odds with this clause, this clause and this clause, or that the 10th has basically been dead since the Civil War, and forgetting the fact that Perry used to be a Democrat, rule by the 10th is a really really really bad way to govern.
Imagine if each state had their form of Social Security as Perry insinuates they should. Think of the redundant costs and overlapping pensions. Or think about how much this would restrict movement between states for employment. There are certain things that are better done on a large and national scale, such as currency, defense, entitlements, pensions, etc. Unfortunately the founding fathers did not have the foresight to write them all into the Constitution, hence why they wrote in escape clauses such as Necessary and Proper and the Commerce Clause. But it appears that Rick Perry sees something that he likes and just runs with it and he will be damned with the facts and contradicting arguments.
Imagine if each state had their form of Social Security as Perry insinuates they should. Think of the redundant costs and overlapping pensions. Or think about how much this would restrict movement between states for employment. There are certain things that are better done on a large and national scale, such as currency, defense, entitlements, pensions, etc. Unfortunately the founding fathers did not have the foresight to write them all into the Constitution, hence why they wrote in escape clauses such as Necessary and Proper and the Commerce Clause. But it appears that Rick Perry sees something that he likes and just runs with it and he will be damned with the facts and contradicting arguments.